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Rated: T

Rain's Poem Portfolio
Little Glass Princess
Muses of the Mind Pt. 5
Lead Heart
Shaky Fingers

Writing done by Rainbowfartz.

I am an exhibition.

Everyone sees my secrets.


They lay on my body

Like armour.

I am unprotected.

I can’t run.

People will stare me down.

They’ll examine me.

Every part of me.

I am hung up on a wall.



Somebody bought me.

He has sparkling eyes and don’t stare me down.

He hangs me up on his wall.

My secrets are nothing to him.

He will take me down sometimes.

He will love me.


Somebody got married.

He has no time for me.

I am just a painting

On his wall.

He doesn’t want me.

He wants to look


Stare down

Someone else.


I watch the couple sleep.

The paint drips off of my canvas.

My secrets fall off

One by one

They don’t matter to him

He can’t see me



I am an exhibition

She will stare me down.

She tears me up with her

Red fingernails.

She makes him do things he

Doesn’t want to do

While I watch.


I am hurt.

I fell off my wall and nobody noticed.

My frame is cracked and my canvas is


She tore the nail off of the wall

I am hurt



He is broke

He has no time for a boring exhibition

His sparkling eyes are dull

She took all of his money and left him.

He works all day

All night.

I am alone.


I am an exhibition on fire.

I am cracked, I am peeled

I am on fire.

The house smells

Like cigarettes

And alcohol

He holds me one more time


The house is in flames

I can’t see.

He is dead

His sparkling eyes are



I lay in the ashes of a broken home

Nobody comes for me

I am ashes

I am lost

I am an exhibition of life.
